Improvements in skin tone of the complexion
An aesthetic treatment based on platelet rich plasma targets sagging and thinning skin: particularly effective under the eyes, décolleté, and neck…
A fast response method, offering long-term visible effects on the tone of the skin and improvements in complexion helping to restore radiance, encourage cell renewal and strengthening the skin.
A highly effective treatment performed in our London clinic
This technique involves taking a small blood sample, we then collect the platelet rich plasma and growth factors from the blood by placing the sample into a centrifuge. This platelet rich plasma is then mixed with a cocktail of vitamins, specially adapted to each person and then injected into the skin using the mesotherapy technique, just like the mesolift, normally applied to the face or décolletage, but also on all areas of the body if necessary.
Immediately visible effects for smoother, more toned and less wrinkled skin
From the next day following treatment, the skin will become smoother, more toned and less wrinkled, and with a rosier appearance particularly in the under eye area. The effects last for about three months, with a deep stimulation of growth factors in the dermal and epidermal cells. There is no risk of allergic reaction.
How is a session of platelet rich plasma mesotherapy carried out?
A session of platelet rich plasma mesotherapy treatment lasts around 20 minutes. Each session of platelet rich plasma mesotherapy treatment starts with a detailed diagnostic exam of the skin and areas to be treated. Once the diagnosis has been established and the treatment program ascertained, the first treatment can be performed on the same day.
At the end of the treatment a refreshing and moisturising hyaluronic acid mask is applied to calm the treated skin. The patient can then immediately go about their day, as platelet rich plasma mesotherapy treatment does not cause any major undesirable side effects and therefore there is no down time.
Platelet rich plasma mesotherapy treatment
A new technique in aesthetic medicine with compelling results. Initially used in corrective surgery and sports medicine, platelet rich plasma has since been used in aesthetic medicine with great success.
Additional information
Platelet-rich plasma is also very effective in stimulating hair regrowth (Mesohair) and also used during the hair transplant with FUE Dray Technique
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